Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hum k iss ehed mein jeene ka gumaan rakhte hain...

Ugly Realities that we either don't want to know or we are not allowed to know...

1. The donors conference was actually a LOANERS conference! ( the World is loaning money to Pakistan to counter the situation in the earthquake stricken areas!

2.America - our ally?! think again!!!

3.More than 5,000 NATO and U.S military forces are in Pakistan in earthquake region which is nearest to the Nuclear Assets of Pakistan...( wonder what they are doing there?! and wonder why aren't we informed?!)

4. Why Americans are after Iran for their nuclear technology when they are signing pacts with India to help them build nuclear weapons?!

5. When Iranian Prime minister has said that they are using nuclear technology to produce power are being convicted of making nuclear wepaons?! The former Indian president said that if they would have to use nuclear wepaons against Pakistan, they will use it, is still trusted and being helped by America?!

6. Why just target Muslim World for having nuclear assets while India,Israel and other western countries including America are enjoying the Nuclear Technology..( dont tell me that Muslims are not responsible.. we've seen the US's responsible behaviour since sept 11. We know that innocent civillians are targetted both in Afghanistan and Iraq)

7. Why arent American's apologizing for attacking Bajuar Agency and killing innocent people, including women and children?! Is Pakistan ever going to take a stand for such harsh treatment against U.S?!

8.Why aren't Muslims doing ANYTHING to help their brothers around the world when Westerners are actuallly hunting them down?! Aren't we supposed to be a protective wall for the weak?! Or are we soo engrossed in this material world and worldly benefits that we don't want to see their sufferrings?!

Though the list goes on and on and on BUT then... this is just the beginning...


Uncivil said...
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Naeema Akram-Jehanzeb said...

hey i have copied this post of yours in my blog!

Uncivil said...

Hi Amsa

Check out my blog.

& my doggies

Have a Blessed day


Naeema Akram-Jehanzeb said...

Update tu karo apna Blog :@