Friday, September 08, 2006

The Al Qaeda tape

Somethings in life connect in the most bizzare way and yet the puzzles fall into places but I guess it needs a brain to figure out what actually is connecting.

Just after President Bush came into power, we had sept 11 attacks! Why didn't this all happen in someone else's era?! Oh! maybe God wanted it to happen this way because it may reveal something really important that is not visible to the naked eye.

Then Boom! before you know it they're all over Afghanistan. Has anyone ever wondered that when Taliban were ruling Afghanistan, growing poppy was a crime and Taliban eradicated the whole culture of growing poppies from the Afhan soil but hey all those addicts out there... Now poppy is grown legally in Afghanistan, is being smuggled by "some people" to the West and is sold to the general public in dollars and pounds for more than 100% of the original amount! But then who's gaining from it? YOu? or you? obviously not me!

Then opps! Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and I wonder why they were never found? Why when attacked by the coalition forces, Saddam's army didn't use those bombs? Maybe Saddam wanted to use those bombs on something more worthwhile, something more worthy than his country, his people and even his own life!

Well... Forget everything... Why is that whenever the elections are closeby, the video of AlQaeda planning the Sept 11 attacks is released? Maybe it wants more of Bush in power, but why? Maybe the video just wants us to revise what happened to US or maybe it's just a free ticket to eradicate the non-whites off this earth. oh well... we'll see that sooner or later.

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