NO matter who you support in Pakistan's political arena, you will give credit to the late Bhutto for just ONE phrase :
At least I can respect him for that. BUT his kid turned out to be rebellious. Where she should have supported Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan with her life, she actually plans to give him to IAEA! This is how we pay homage to our heroes. This is how we humiliate them. This is how we become the laughing stock of the world. I'm glad that Quaid-e-Azam died early, or else we would have actually put him on SALE!
Let's go back to the mid '90s. I cannot find the video online, or else I would have loved to show it to you. IT was a documentary aired by BBC showing how Bhutto has hoarded up wealth and has a well furnished home in England and showed documents showing her evil, vile and cunning.And look how easily they themselves have forgotten it, and want to send her back. Hypocrisy is the West's second name(or is it the first!). In those days, there was a video of the song "Ehtesaab", released by Junoon after which Junoon was banned. The video actually shows her glorious time and how people were soo happy when she was around. I see if I can find it on internet and paste it here... (I'm looking)... OH! I found it! YouTUBE!
Anyway, the hero, who should have been given respect, who should have been given an exalted position, who should have been guarded by the soldiers of this country... The Chief of Army STaff, the man himself, put this mark of dishonour upon his own khaki, his claim to have fought wars, and his claim to throne! Honourable President Pervez Busharraf has proven himself to be the traitor to the nation! Go Busharraf, be friends with India, and let our heroes, our sacrifices rot.
Sonay pay Suhaga... Benazir Bhutto, a socialist, hoarder of people's wealth, is going to hand him over to IAEA! This is how she's going thank him for completing one of the wishes of her father. This is how we pay tribute to our national heroes.
In the end. I'm ashamed for having these leaders as the representative of my country. My heart bleeds for the way we are treating Dr. AbdulQadeer Khan. And as someone said yesterday, that we will pay a price, a heavy price indeed, for the atrocities we've done against our heroes. If I ever see Dr. AbdulQadeer Khan anywhere,I know I wont be able to look him in the eye because I was not able to raise my voice, to help him in any way. I'm ashamed of myself.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Some Health Guidelines For Ramadan
I got this email quite some time ago and I think it's better if I put this here... Atleast, I know you'd read it, N.A.
This article provides useful advice on how to avoid some common problems encountered in Ramadhan. If followed, it would enable one to fast comfortably and enjoy fully the spiritual benefits of Ramadhan.
During the holy month of Ramadhan, our diet should not differ very much from our normal diet and should be as simple as possible. The diet should be such that we maintain our normal weight, neither losing nor gaining. However, if one is over-weight, Ramadhan is an ideal time to normalise one's weight.
In view of the long hours of fasting, we should consume slow digesting foods including fibre containing-foods rather than fast-digesting foods.
Slow digesting foods last up to 8 hours, while fast-digesting foods last for only 3 to 4 hours. Slow-digesting foods are foods that contain grains and seeds like barley, wheat, oats, millet, semolina, beans, lentils, wholemeal flour, unpolished rice, etc. (called complex carbohydrates). Fast-burning foods are foods that contain sugar, white flour, etc. (called refined carbohydrates).
Fibre-containing foods are bran-containing foods, whole wheat, grains and seeds, vegetables like green beans, peas, sem (papry), marrow, mealies, spinach, and other herbs like methie, the leaves of beetroot (iron-rich), fruit with skin, dried fruit especially dried apricots, figs and prunes, almonds, etc.
The foods eaten should be well-balanced, containing foods from each food group, i.e. fruits, vegetables, meat/chicken/fish, bread/cereals and dairy products. Fried foods are unhealthy and should be limited. They cause indigestion, heart-burn, and weight problems.
Fried and fatty foods.
Foods containing too much sugar.
Over-eating especially at sehri.
Too much tea at sehri. Tea makes you pass more urine taking with it valuable mineral salts that your body would need during the day.
Smoking cigarettes. If you cannot give up smoking, cut down gradually starting a few weeks before Ramadhan. Smoking is unhealthy and one should stop completely.
Complex carbohydrates at sehri so that the food lasts longer making you less hungry.
Haleem is an excellent source of protein and is a slow-burning food.
Dates are excellent source of sugar, fibre, carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium.
Almonds are rich in protein and fibre with less fat.
Bananas are a good source of potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates.
As much water or fruit juices as possible between iftar and bedtime so that your body may adjust fluid levels in time.
Problems and their Remedies:
Constipation can cause piles (haemorroids), fissures (painful cracks in anal canal) and indigestion with a bloated feeling.
Causes: Too much refined foods, too little water and not enough fibre in the diet.
Remedy: Avoid excessive refined foods, increase water intake, use bran in baking, brown flour when making roti.
Causes: Over-eating. Too much fried and fatty foods, spicy foods, and foods that produce wind e.g. eggs, cabbage, lentils, carbonated drinks like Cola also produce gas.
Remedy: Do not over-eat, drink fruit juices or better still drink water. Avoid fried foods, add ajmor to wind-producing foods.
LETHARGY ('low blood pressure')
Excessive sweating, weakness, tiredness, lack of energy, dizziness, especially on getting up from sitting position, pale appearance and feeling faint are symptoms associated with "low blood pressure". This tends to occur towards the afternoon.
Causes: Too little fluid intake, decreased salt intake.
Remedy: Keep cool, increase fluid and salt intake.
Caution: Low blood pressure should be confirmed by taking a blood pressure reading when symptoms are present. Persons with high blood pressure may need their medication adjusted during Ramadhan. They should consult their doctor.
Causes: Caffeine and tobacco-withdrawal, doing too much in one day, lack of sleep, hunger usually occur as the day goes by and worsens at the end of the day. When associated with "low blood pressure", the headache can be quite severe and can also cause nausea before Iftar.
Remedy: Cut down caffeine and tobacco slowly starting a week or two before
Ramadhan. Herbal and caffeine-free teas may be substituted. Reorganise your
schedule during the Ramadan so as to have adequate sleep.
Weakness, dizziness, tiredness, poor concentration, perspiring easily, feeling shaky (tremor), unable to perform physical activities, headache, palpitations are symptoms of low blood sugar.
Causes in non-diabetics: Having too much sugar i.e. refined carbohydrates especially at suhur (sehri). The body produces too much insulin causing the blood glucose to drop.
Remedy: Eat something at sehri and limit sugar-containing foods and drinks.
Caution: Diabetics may need to adjust their medication in Ramadan, consult
your doctor.
Causes: Inadequate intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium foods.
Remedy: Eat foods rich in the above minerals e.g. vegetables, fruit, dairy products, meat and dates.
Caution: Those on high blood pressure medication and with kidney stone problems should consult their doctor.
Increased acid levels in the empty stomach in Ramadhan aggravate the above conditions. It presents as a burning feeling in the stomach area under the ribs and can extend upto the throat. Spicy foods, coffee, and Cola drinks worsen these conditions.
Medications are available to control acid levels in the stomach. People with proven peptic ulcers and hiatus hernia should consult their doctor well before Ramadhan.
Kidney stones may occur in people who have less liquids to drink. Therefore, it is essential to drink extra liquids so as to prevent stone formation.
Causes: During Ramadhan, when extra salah are performed the pressure on the knee joints increases. In the elderly and those with arthritis this may result in pain, stiffness, swelling and discomfort.
Remedy: Lose weight so that the knees do not have to carry any extra load. Exercise the lower limbs before Ramadhan so that they can be prepared for the additional strain. Being physically fit allows greater fulfilment, thus enabling one to be able to perform salah with ease.
Dr. Farouk Haffejee
Islamic Medical Association of South Africa - Durban
This article provides useful advice on how to avoid some common problems encountered in Ramadhan. If followed, it would enable one to fast comfortably and enjoy fully the spiritual benefits of Ramadhan.
During the holy month of Ramadhan, our diet should not differ very much from our normal diet and should be as simple as possible. The diet should be such that we maintain our normal weight, neither losing nor gaining. However, if one is over-weight, Ramadhan is an ideal time to normalise one's weight.
In view of the long hours of fasting, we should consume slow digesting foods including fibre containing-foods rather than fast-digesting foods.
Slow digesting foods last up to 8 hours, while fast-digesting foods last for only 3 to 4 hours. Slow-digesting foods are foods that contain grains and seeds like barley, wheat, oats, millet, semolina, beans, lentils, wholemeal flour, unpolished rice, etc. (called complex carbohydrates). Fast-burning foods are foods that contain sugar, white flour, etc. (called refined carbohydrates).
Fibre-containing foods are bran-containing foods, whole wheat, grains and seeds, vegetables like green beans, peas, sem (papry), marrow, mealies, spinach, and other herbs like methie, the leaves of beetroot (iron-rich), fruit with skin, dried fruit especially dried apricots, figs and prunes, almonds, etc.
The foods eaten should be well-balanced, containing foods from each food group, i.e. fruits, vegetables, meat/chicken/fish, bread/cereals and dairy products. Fried foods are unhealthy and should be limited. They cause indigestion, heart-burn, and weight problems.
Fried and fatty foods.
Foods containing too much sugar.
Over-eating especially at sehri.
Too much tea at sehri. Tea makes you pass more urine taking with it valuable mineral salts that your body would need during the day.
Smoking cigarettes. If you cannot give up smoking, cut down gradually starting a few weeks before Ramadhan. Smoking is unhealthy and one should stop completely.
Complex carbohydrates at sehri so that the food lasts longer making you less hungry.
Haleem is an excellent source of protein and is a slow-burning food.
Dates are excellent source of sugar, fibre, carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium.
Almonds are rich in protein and fibre with less fat.
Bananas are a good source of potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates.
As much water or fruit juices as possible between iftar and bedtime so that your body may adjust fluid levels in time.
Problems and their Remedies:
Constipation can cause piles (haemorroids), fissures (painful cracks in anal canal) and indigestion with a bloated feeling.
Causes: Too much refined foods, too little water and not enough fibre in the diet.
Remedy: Avoid excessive refined foods, increase water intake, use bran in baking, brown flour when making roti.
Causes: Over-eating. Too much fried and fatty foods, spicy foods, and foods that produce wind e.g. eggs, cabbage, lentils, carbonated drinks like Cola also produce gas.
Remedy: Do not over-eat, drink fruit juices or better still drink water. Avoid fried foods, add ajmor to wind-producing foods.
LETHARGY ('low blood pressure')
Excessive sweating, weakness, tiredness, lack of energy, dizziness, especially on getting up from sitting position, pale appearance and feeling faint are symptoms associated with "low blood pressure". This tends to occur towards the afternoon.
Causes: Too little fluid intake, decreased salt intake.
Remedy: Keep cool, increase fluid and salt intake.
Caution: Low blood pressure should be confirmed by taking a blood pressure reading when symptoms are present. Persons with high blood pressure may need their medication adjusted during Ramadhan. They should consult their doctor.
Causes: Caffeine and tobacco-withdrawal, doing too much in one day, lack of sleep, hunger usually occur as the day goes by and worsens at the end of the day. When associated with "low blood pressure", the headache can be quite severe and can also cause nausea before Iftar.
Remedy: Cut down caffeine and tobacco slowly starting a week or two before
Ramadhan. Herbal and caffeine-free teas may be substituted. Reorganise your
schedule during the Ramadan so as to have adequate sleep.
Weakness, dizziness, tiredness, poor concentration, perspiring easily, feeling shaky (tremor), unable to perform physical activities, headache, palpitations are symptoms of low blood sugar.
Causes in non-diabetics: Having too much sugar i.e. refined carbohydrates especially at suhur (sehri). The body produces too much insulin causing the blood glucose to drop.
Remedy: Eat something at sehri and limit sugar-containing foods and drinks.
Caution: Diabetics may need to adjust their medication in Ramadan, consult
your doctor.
Causes: Inadequate intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium foods.
Remedy: Eat foods rich in the above minerals e.g. vegetables, fruit, dairy products, meat and dates.
Caution: Those on high blood pressure medication and with kidney stone problems should consult their doctor.
Increased acid levels in the empty stomach in Ramadhan aggravate the above conditions. It presents as a burning feeling in the stomach area under the ribs and can extend upto the throat. Spicy foods, coffee, and Cola drinks worsen these conditions.
Medications are available to control acid levels in the stomach. People with proven peptic ulcers and hiatus hernia should consult their doctor well before Ramadhan.
Kidney stones may occur in people who have less liquids to drink. Therefore, it is essential to drink extra liquids so as to prevent stone formation.
Causes: During Ramadhan, when extra salah are performed the pressure on the knee joints increases. In the elderly and those with arthritis this may result in pain, stiffness, swelling and discomfort.
Remedy: Lose weight so that the knees do not have to carry any extra load. Exercise the lower limbs before Ramadhan so that they can be prepared for the additional strain. Being physically fit allows greater fulfilment, thus enabling one to be able to perform salah with ease.
Dr. Farouk Haffejee
Islamic Medical Association of South Africa - Durban
Friday, September 14, 2007
I don't know what to write anymore. The state of helplessness, the idea of can't-do-anything-to-make-them-see-beyond-themselves is upon me. All I can do is pray to ALlah that may He make them realise that by fighting amoungst themselves, they are falling for the zionist designs.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Debt Unpaid...
"Ay Quaid-e-Azam tera ehsaan hai, tera ehsaan"
It was the death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah yesterday and looking in retrospect... I feel disappointed. Mohammad Ali Jinnah provided us not with just this land but freedom, freedom to bow before one Lord and live life according to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and this is how we thank Allah. This is how we pay homage to those people who have sacrificed their lives to achieve this small piece of land so that their generations wont have to suffer at the hands of Hindus and others. This is how we've paid the debt by tearing apart one another, colouring the land in red and giving up the very reason of Pakistan, the very meaning of Pakistan.
Today, we have politicians who've hoarded up money of the common people of Pakistan, made palaces in London, Jeddah and other places. The politicians who claim to have worked for Pakistan, yet divided it in sects, races and languages. This is what they've learnt from the British : Divide and Rule. Let the common people fight amongst themselves while we play the bloody game of politics and hoard up as much wealth as we can in the time given. Even the generals need protection from God Knows What and plunging the local people into the madness of sky high prices and low cut dresses.
This is Pakistan after 60 years... The purpose lost... The reason forgotten... And LIFE... just lost not only it's meaning but also it's worth. And this is how we pay homage to the founder of this country, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
It was the death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah yesterday and looking in retrospect... I feel disappointed. Mohammad Ali Jinnah provided us not with just this land but freedom, freedom to bow before one Lord and live life according to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and this is how we thank Allah. This is how we pay homage to those people who have sacrificed their lives to achieve this small piece of land so that their generations wont have to suffer at the hands of Hindus and others. This is how we've paid the debt by tearing apart one another, colouring the land in red and giving up the very reason of Pakistan, the very meaning of Pakistan.
Today, we have politicians who've hoarded up money of the common people of Pakistan, made palaces in London, Jeddah and other places. The politicians who claim to have worked for Pakistan, yet divided it in sects, races and languages. This is what they've learnt from the British : Divide and Rule. Let the common people fight amongst themselves while we play the bloody game of politics and hoard up as much wealth as we can in the time given. Even the generals need protection from God Knows What and plunging the local people into the madness of sky high prices and low cut dresses.
This is Pakistan after 60 years... The purpose lost... The reason forgotten... And LIFE... just lost not only it's meaning but also it's worth. And this is how we pay homage to the founder of this country, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Broadening my horizon...
I just discovered that no one actually visits my blog that often or ever. And somehow I thought it wouldn't matter if I shift it to someother place. Well.. I still don't know how to work that blog properly but I guess with time I'll learn. is a cool place. And I thought I'd like to write there as well.
So, here's the link:
I don't have time to manage one blog.. here I'm fooling myself into maintaining two at a time. May Allah help me. Ameen. is a cool place. And I thought I'd like to write there as well.
So, here's the link:
I don't have time to manage one blog.. here I'm fooling myself into maintaining two at a time. May Allah help me. Ameen.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Something that Struck me like Lightening...
The other day I was flipping channels and got stuck at one channel i.e. Peace TV. Anyway, something that got hold of me was Dr. Asrar Ahmed saying that the only reason why Muslims in today's world are in the most embarrassing situation is because we've left Quran.( And he mentioned ALlama Iqbal's couplet alongside it.)
We've left Quran and that is why our lives have become more complicated. We don't read it nor do we try to understand what ALlah really wants from us. We've deluded ourselves into thinking that whatever we're doing is correct, creating differences, dividing amoungst ourselves. The only Book that can dissolve our differences, that can quench our thirst of materialism,that can lead to the straight path, the only path... that Book is Quran.
It's high time we realise that. It's high time that we pray for directions. It's high time that we should dissolve our differences, set aside our ego and follow what's been written in that One Book!
May ALlah guide us all. Ameen
We've left Quran and that is why our lives have become more complicated. We don't read it nor do we try to understand what ALlah really wants from us. We've deluded ourselves into thinking that whatever we're doing is correct, creating differences, dividing amoungst ourselves. The only Book that can dissolve our differences, that can quench our thirst of materialism,that can lead to the straight path, the only path... that Book is Quran.
It's high time we realise that. It's high time that we pray for directions. It's high time that we should dissolve our differences, set aside our ego and follow what's been written in that One Book!
May ALlah guide us all. Ameen
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